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idstringThe ID of the resource.
created_atstringThe date/time the object was created at.
default_valueobjectThe value to use for this field if none is provided. It must be specified if required is true.
field``The Field to be included in this schema. Each Field may only be used in one Field Configuration per schema.
requiredbooleanIf true, this Field must always have a value set for objects using this schema.
typestringA string that determines the schema of the object. This must be the standard name for the entity, suffixed by _reference if the object is a reference.
updated_atstringThe date/time the object was last updated.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_custom_fields_field_configurationSELECTX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_configuration_id, schema_idShow detailed information about a Field Configuration.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
list_custom_fields_field_configurationsSELECTX-EARLY-ACCESS, schema_idList all Field Configurations for the given Schema.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
create_custom_fields_field_configurationINSERTX-EARLY-ACCESS, schema_id, data__field_configurationAdd a new Field Configuration to an existing Schema. A Schema may use at most 20 Fields, and so may have at most 20 Field Configurations.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
delete_custom_fields_field_configurationDELETEX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_configuration_id, schema_idRemove a Field Configuration and its associated Field from a Schema.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
_get_custom_fields_field_configurationEXECX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_configuration_id, schema_idShow detailed information about a Field Configuration.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
_list_custom_fields_field_configurationsEXECX-EARLY-ACCESS, schema_idList all Field Configurations for the given Schema.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
update_custom_fields_field_configurationEXECX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_configuration_id, schema_id, data__field_configurationUpdate settings for Field Configuration in Schema.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.