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idstringThe ID of the resource.
descriptionstringA description of the data this field contains.
created_atstringThe date/time the object was created at.
datatypestringThe kind of data the custom field is allowed to contain.
display_namestringThe human-readable name of the field. This must be unique across an account.
field_optionsarrayThe fixed list of value options that may be stored in this field.
fixed_optionsbooleanIf true, restricts the values allowed to be stored in the custom field to a limited set of options (configured via the Field Option sub-resource). Must be false if datatype is "boolean", "url", or "datetime"
multi_valuebooleanIf true, allows the custom field to store a set of multiple values. Must be false if datatype is not "string" or "url"
selfstringThe API show URL at which the object is accessible
summarystringA short-form, server-generated string that provides succinct, important information about an object suitable for primary labeling of an entity in a client. In many cases, this will be identical to name, though it is not intended to be an identifier.
updated_atstringThe date/time the object was last updated.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_custom_fields_fieldSELECTX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_idShow detailed information about a field.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
list_custom_fields_fieldsSELECTX-EARLY-ACCESSList fields.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
create_custom_fields_fieldINSERTX-EARLY-ACCESS, data__fieldCreate a new Field, along with the Field Options if provided. An account may have up to 1000 Fields.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
delete_custom_fields_fieldDELETEX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_idDelete a Field. Fields may not be deleted if they are used by a Field Schema.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
_get_custom_fields_fieldEXECX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_idShow detailed information about a field.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
_list_custom_fields_fieldsEXECX-EARLY-ACCESSList fields.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
update_custom_fields_fieldEXECX-EARLY-ACCESS, field_id, data__fieldUpdate a field.

<!-- theme: warning -->

> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.