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idstringIncident ID
descriptionstringThe incident description
assignment_countintegerTotal count of instances where responders were assigned an incident (including through reassignment or escalation) or accepted a responder request.
business_hour_interruptionsintegerTotal number of unique interruptions during business hour.
Business hour: 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, based on the user’s time zone.
created_atstringTimestamp of when the incident was created.
engaged_secondsintegerTotal engaged time across all responders for this incident. Engaged time is measured from the time a user engages with an incident (by acknowledging or accepting a responder request) until the incident is resolved. This may include periods in which the incident was snoozed.
engaged_user_countintegerTotal number of users who engaged (acknowledged, accepted responder request) in the incident.
escalation_countintegerTotal count of instances where an incident is escalated between responders assigned to an escalation policy.
incident_numberintegerThe PagerDuty incident number
majorbooleanAn incident is classified as a major incident if it has one of the two highest priorities, or if multiple responders are added and acknowledge the incident.
off_hour_interruptionsintegerTotal number of unique interruptions during off hour.
Off hour: 6pm-10pm Mon-Fri and all day Sat-Sun, based on the user’s time zone.
priority_idstringID of the incident's priority level.
priority_namestringThe user-provided short name of the priority.
resolved_atstringTimestamp of when the incident was resolved.
seconds_to_engageintegerA measure of people response time. This metric measures the time from
the first user engagement (acknowledge or responder accept) to the last.
This metric is only used for incidents with multiple responders;
for incidents with one or no engaged users, this value is null.
seconds_to_first_ackintegerTime between start of an incident, and the first responder to acknowledge.
seconds_to_mobilizeintegerTime between start of an incident, and the last additional responder to acknowledge. If an incident has one or less responders, the value will be null.
seconds_to_resolveintegerTime from when incident triggered until it was resolved.
service_idstringID of the service that the incident triggered on.
service_namestringName of the service that the incident triggered on.
sleep_hour_interruptionsintegerTotal number of unique interruptions during sleep hour.
Sleep hour: 10pm-8am every day, based on the user’s time zone.
snoozed_secondsintegerTotal seconds the incident has been snoozed for.
team_idstringID of the team the incident was assigned to.
team_namestringName of the team the incident was assigned to.
urgencystringNotification level
user_defined_effort_secondsintegerThe total response effort in seconds,
as defined by the user.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_analytics_incidentsSELECTProvides enriched incident data and metrics for multiple incidents.

Example metrics include Seconds to Resolve, Seconds to Engage, Snoozed Seconds, and Sleep Hour Interruptions. Some metric definitions can be found in our Knowledge Base.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
<!-- theme: info -->
> A team_ids or service_ids filter is required for user-level API keys or keys generated through an OAuth flow. Account-level API keys do not have this requirement.
<!-- theme: info -->
> Note: Analytics data is updated once per day. It takes up to 24 hours before new incidents appear in the Analytics API.

Scoped OAuth requires:
get_analytics_incidents_by_idSELECTidProvides enriched incident data and metrics for a single incident.

Example metrics include Seconds to Resolve, Seconds to Engage, Snoozed Seconds, and Sleep Hour Interruptions. Some metric definitions can be found in our Knowledge Base.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
<!-- theme: info -->
> Note: Analytics data is updated once per day. It takes up to 24 hours before new incidents appear in the Analytics API.

Scoped OAuth requires:
_get_analytics_incidents_by_idEXECidProvides enriched incident data and metrics for a single incident.

Example metrics include Seconds to Resolve, Seconds to Engage, Snoozed Seconds, and Sleep Hour Interruptions. Some metric definitions can be found in our Knowledge Base.

<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### Early Access
> This endpoint is in Early Access and may change at any time. You must pass in the X-EARLY-ACCESS header to access it.
<!-- theme: info -->
> Note: Analytics data is updated once per day. It takes up to 24 hours before new incidents appear in the Analytics API.

Scoped OAuth requires: