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idstringID of the Ruleset.
namestringName of the Ruleset.
created_atstringThe date the Ruleset was created at.
creatorobjectReference to the user that has created the Ruleset.
routing_keysarrayRouting keys routed to this Ruleset.
selfstringthe API show URL at which the object is accessible
teamobjectReference to the team that owns the Ruleset. If none is specified, only admins have access.
updated_atstringThe date the Ruleset was last updated.
updaterobjectReference to the user that has updated the Ruleset last.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_rulesetSELECTidGet a Ruleset.
<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### End-of-life
> Rulesets and Event Rules will end-of-life soon. We highly recommend that you migrate to Event Orchestration as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the new functionality, such as improved UI, rule creation, APIs and Terraform support, advanced conditions, and rule nesting.

Rulesets allow you to route events to an endpoint and create collections of Event Rules, which define sets of actions to take based on event content.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
list_rulesetsSELECTList all Rulesets
<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### End-of-life
> Rulesets and Event Rules will end-of-life soon. We highly recommend that you migrate to Event Orchestration as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the new functionality, such as improved UI, rule creation, APIs and Terraform support, advanced conditions, and rule nesting.

Rulesets allow you to route events to an endpoint and create collections of Event Rules, which define sets of actions to take based on event content.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
create_rulesetINSERTdata__rulesetCreate a new Ruleset.
<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### End-of-life
> Rulesets and Event Rules will end-of-life soon. We highly recommend that you migrate to Event Orchestration as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the new functionality, such as improved UI, rule creation, APIs and Terraform support, advanced conditions, and rule nesting.

Rulesets allow you to route events to an endpoint and create collections of Event Rules, which define sets of actions to take based on event content.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: event_rules.write
delete_rulesetDELETEidDelete a Ruleset.
<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### End-of-life
> Rulesets and Event Rules will end-of-life soon. We highly recommend that you migrate to Event Orchestration as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the new functionality, such as improved UI, rule creation, APIs and Terraform support, advanced conditions, and rule nesting.

Rulesets allow you to route events to an endpoint and create collections of Event Rules, which define sets of actions to take based on event content.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: event_rules.write
_get_rulesetEXECidGet a Ruleset.
<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### End-of-life
> Rulesets and Event Rules will end-of-life soon. We highly recommend that you migrate to Event Orchestration as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the new functionality, such as improved UI, rule creation, APIs and Terraform support, advanced conditions, and rule nesting.

Rulesets allow you to route events to an endpoint and create collections of Event Rules, which define sets of actions to take based on event content.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
_list_rulesetsEXECList all Rulesets
<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### End-of-life
> Rulesets and Event Rules will end-of-life soon. We highly recommend that you migrate to Event Orchestration as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the new functionality, such as improved UI, rule creation, APIs and Terraform support, advanced conditions, and rule nesting.

Rulesets allow you to route events to an endpoint and create collections of Event Rules, which define sets of actions to take based on event content.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
update_rulesetEXECid, data__rulesetUpdate a Ruleset.
<!-- theme: warning -->
> ### End-of-life
> Rulesets and Event Rules will end-of-life soon. We highly recommend that you migrate to Event Orchestration as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the new functionality, such as improved UI, rule creation, APIs and Terraform support, advanced conditions, and rule nesting.

Rulesets allow you to route events to an endpoint and create collections of Event Rules, which define sets of actions to take based on event content.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: event_rules.write