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namestringThe name of the response play.
descriptionstringThe description of the response play.
_typestringThe type of object being created.
conference_numberstringThe telephone number that will be set as the conference number for any incident on which this response play is run.
conference_typestringThis field has three possible values and indicates how the response play was created.
- none : The response play had no conference_number or conference_url set at time of creation.
- manual : The response play had one or both of conference_number and conference_url set at time of creation.
- zoom : Customers with the Zoom-Integration Entitelment can use this value to dynamicly configure conference number and url for zoom
conference_urlstringThe URL that will be set as the conference URL for any incident on which this response play is run.
html_urlstringa URL at which the entity is uniquely displayed in the Web app
respondersarrayAn array containing the users and/or escalation policies to be requested as responders to any incident on which this response play is run.
responders_messagestringThe message body of the notification that will be sent to this response play's set of responders. If empty, a default response request notification will be sent.
runnabilitystringString representing how this response play is allowed to be run. Valid options are:
- services: This response play cannot be manually run by any users. It will run automatically for new incidents triggered on any services that are configured with this response play.
- teams: This response play can be run manually on an incident only by members of its configured team. This option can only be selected when the team property for this response play is not empty.
- responders: This response play can be run manually on an incident by any responders in this account.
selfstringthe API show URL at which the object is accessible
subscribersarrayAn array containing the users and/or teams to be added as subscribers to any incident on which this response play is run.
subscribers_messagestringThe content of the notification that will be sent to all incident subscribers upon the running of this response play. Note that this includes any users who may have already been subscribed to the incident prior to the running of this response play. If empty, no notifications will be sent.
summarystringA short-form, server-generated string that provides succinct, important information about an object suitable for primary labeling of an entity in a client. In many cases, this will be identical to name, though it is not intended to be an identifier.
typestringA string that determines the schema of the object. This must be the standard name for the entity, suffixed by _reference if the object is a reference.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_response_playSELECTidGet details about an existing Response Play.

Response Plays allow you to create packages of Incident Actions that can be applied during an Incident's life cycle.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

When using a Global API token, the From header is required.
Scoped OAuth requires:
list_response_playsSELECTList all of the existing Response Plays.

Response Plays allow you to create packages of Incident Actions that can be applied during an Incident's life cycle.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

When using a Global API token, the From header is required.

Scoped OAuth requires:
create_response_playINSERTFrom, data__response_playCreates a new Response Plays.

Response Plays allow you to create packages of Incident Actions that can be applied during an Incident's life cycle.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: response_plays.write
delete_response_playDELETEFrom, idDelete an existing Response Play. Once the Response Play is deleted, the action cannot be undone.

WARNING: When the Response Play is deleted, it is also removed from any Services that were using it.

Response Plays allow you to create packages of Incident Actions that can be applied to an Incident.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: response_plays.write
_get_response_playEXECidGet details about an existing Response Play.

Response Plays allow you to create packages of Incident Actions that can be applied during an Incident's life cycle.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

When using a Global API token, the From header is required.
Scoped OAuth requires:
_list_response_playsEXECList all of the existing Response Plays.

Response Plays allow you to create packages of Incident Actions that can be applied during an Incident's life cycle.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

When using a Global API token, the From header is required.

Scoped OAuth requires:
run_response_playEXECFrom, response_play_id, data__incidentRun a specified response play on a given incident.

Response Plays are a package of Incident Actions that can be applied during an Incident's life cycle.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: response_plays.write
update_response_playEXECFrom, id, data__response_playUpdates an existing Response Play.

Response Plays allow you to create packages of Incident Actions that can be applied during an Incident's life cycle.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: response_plays.write