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descriptionstringA description for this maintenance window.
_typestringThe type of object being created.
end_timestringThis maintenance window's end time. This is when the services will start creating incidents again. This date must be in the future and after the start_time.
html_urlstringa URL at which the entity is uniquely displayed in the Web app
selfstringthe API show URL at which the object is accessible
sequence_numberintegerThe order in which the maintenance window was created.
start_timestringThis maintenance window's start time. This is when the services will stop creating incidents. If this date is in the past, it will be updated to be the current time.
summarystringA short-form, server-generated string that provides succinct, important information about an object suitable for primary labeling of an entity in a client. In many cases, this will be identical to name, though it is not intended to be an identifier.
typestringA string that determines the schema of the object. This must be the standard name for the entity, suffixed by _reference if the object is a reference.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_maintenance_windowSELECTidGet an existing maintenance window.

A Maintenance Window is used to temporarily disable one or more Services for a set period of time.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
list_maintenance_windowsSELECTList existing maintenance windows, optionally filtered by service and/or team, or whether they are from the past, present or future.

A Maintenance Window is used to temporarily disable one or more Services for a set period of time.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
create_maintenance_windowINSERTFrom, data__maintenance_windowCreate a new maintenance window for the specified services. No new incidents will be created for a service that is in maintenance.

A Maintenance Window is used to temporarily disable one or more Services for a set period of time.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: services.write
delete_maintenance_windowDELETEidDelete an existing maintenance window if it's in the future, or end it if it's currently on-going. If the maintenance window has already ended it cannot be deleted.

A Maintenance Window is used to temporarily disable one or more Services for a set period of time.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: services.write
_get_maintenance_windowEXECidGet an existing maintenance window.

A Maintenance Window is used to temporarily disable one or more Services for a set period of time.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
_list_maintenance_windowsEXECList existing maintenance windows, optionally filtered by service and/or team, or whether they are from the past, present or future.

A Maintenance Window is used to temporarily disable one or more Services for a set period of time.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires:
update_maintenance_windowEXECid, data__maintenance_windowUpdate an existing maintenance window.

A Maintenance Window is used to temporarily disable one or more Services for a set period of time.

For more information see the API Concepts Document

Scoped OAuth requires: services.write